The coal routes

Route Description

This route brings together three of the many paths through which coal from the Montaña Palentina was transported. Since the second third of the 19th century, the coke coal route has been running through the Vallespinoso Valley, originating from the villages of Castillería and Vergaño.

In early 1893, the mining railway between San Cebrián and its coal basin to Cillamayor was put into operation, connecting to the Quintanilla-Barruelo railway of the Northern Company. In September 1894, the La Robla railway was inaugurated, transporting coal to the steelworks in Biscay.

We will pass through Salinas, go under the CL-626 road and above the La Robla railway line (León-Bilbao), heading towards the old path of the mining railway from San Cebrián to Cillamayor, known as the "Chocolatera route." Following its course, we will reach near Rueda and cross a stream via a small wooden footbridge, which leads us to the road that we will leave after approximately 300 meters, continuing on a path until we reach Mudá.

Following the indications of the BTT Route through the Mining Basins of Castilla y León, we will advance to Vallespinoso de Cervera and descend from there until we reach Rueda de Pisuerga. From there, we will access its beautiful square and church, and continue along the path next to the Pisuerga River. We will cross the river via a footbridge to reach Barcenilla.

Here, we will head east, following the path that goes under the bridge of the La Robla railway tracks, which will lead us to Salinas. A wooden footbridge will take us to the left bank of the river, concluding at the starting point.

Note: Along this route, you may find coinciding signage for the following trails:

  • Touristic BTT Route through the Mining Basins of Castilla y León.
  • Camino Natural del Románico Palentino.
  • Pedaling the Romanesque.


Municipality: Salinas de Pisuerga

Town: Salinas de Pisuerga

Location: Parque de la Riera

Altitude: 945 meters


Latitude: 42.84847980750459
Longitude: -4.379311496572882


Track (GPX)

Track (KML)


Route Data



Approximate Time


Elevation Gain