Los monumentos kársticos

Route Description

Over millions of years, the combined forces of air and water have shaped limestone rocks, creating a unique landscape known as “Las Tuerces”. This natural space is filled with fascinating karst formations, including large stone mushrooms, rocky passages, bridges, and arches.

To start the route, we head towards the highest area of Villaescusa, searching for a trail that gradually climbs to an open area offering stunning views of the Palentina Mountain, the Pisuerga River, and the unique figures of Las Tuerces. We follow the trail southward, running parallel to the Pisuerga River and the railway line. Along the way, we make a brief detour to the right and reach a natural viewpoint overlooking the Horadada Canyon.

Returning to the previous junction, we continue the route southward, circling around Las Tuerces across a wide plateau with sparse vegetation, surrounded by vast fields until we reach the vicinity of the charming town of Gama. After passing through this beautiful town, we continue on a stretch of road for about a kilometer before turning onto a track that leads us to the town of Renedo de la Inera. We cross the Lucio River to reach our destination.

To return, we retrace our steps along the same track to the road. After a short ride on the road, we find a wide track that gently descends to the banks of the Camesa River, accompanying it in its final stretch before it merges with the Pisuerga River, close to Villaescusa de las Torres.


Municipality: Pomar de Valdivia

Town: Villaescusa de las Torres

Location: Teleclub

Altitude: 906 metros


Latitude: 42.75916510905104
Longitude: -4.251027512314295


Track (GPX)

Track (KML)


Route Data



Approximate Time

